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Ayumi Matsuzaka



Nagasaki, Japan / Since 2005 lives and works in Berlin. Participatory actions using many media; video, drawing, performance and installation. Since 2009, on the human role in energy and material cycles. Having big fun to transform any organic materials to Terra Preta black humus. Working with several slil scientists. Since 2014, Blue Economy Expert. Currently preparing for a start up project "DYCLE - Diapers Cycle".


This project was realized by the collaboration work with


Dr. Haiko Pieplow: scientific advice
Mr. Jochen Zeisel: brewing advice

In Berlin

Mr. Ullrich Schulze (Landwirtschaftskammer NRW): Seed supplyment

TerraBoGa project, Berlin Botanical Gardens : Growing barley
Ms. Nadin König
Ms. Sabrina Pilz
Ms. Kathrin Rößler
Mr. Alfons-E. Krieger

Prof. Jörg Schmidt : Threshing
Humboldt Universität, Albrecht-Daniel Thaer Institut

Beer Tasting Event
Ms. Cristal Peck: beer taste moderator
Mr. Pierre Lejeune: dinner cook
Mr. Markus Shimizu: dinner cook

Ms. Virginia Mingo: Video & Editing
Mr. Ben Jones: Video
Mr. John Buster Norris

Graphic Design
Ms.Luisa Stock

Blog Design
Tomoko Tsushima

Prinzessinnengarten Berlin
Mr. Udo Blum
Mr. Peter Thomas
Ms. Valentina Karga
Ms Saara and Mr.Joachim Betzl
Mr. Peter Thomas
Ms. Herta Bentlage
Mr. Wilko Bereit


40 Berlin Citizens: urine donations

in Dortmund
nowato GmbH: Compost Toilet Company
Ms. Severine Felt 

HAUPTSAATEN GmbH : Growing barley in Meckenheim
Mr. Lothar Erkens
Mr. Jens Woitol

Plohberger Malz Gmbh : Malting
Mr.Johann Plohberger und Mr.Christian Plohberger

Gutshof Rethmar Betriebsgesellschaft mbH: Brewing
Mr. Christoph Digwa

Video & Editing
Mr. Cornelius Schaper | knut&knut

25 Citizens of Dortmund

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